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Brush-baby New Chewable Toothbrush - Pack of 2
10 Months to 3 Years, Ideal first toothbrush or alternative for babies and toddlers who chew their brush
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Brush-baby New Chewable Toothbrush - Pack of 2

Brush-baby New Chewable Toothbrush - Pack of 2
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Brush-baby New Chewable Toothbrush - Pack of 2

10 Months to 3 Years, Ideal first toothbrush or alternative for babies and toddlers who chew their brush

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Key Features:

  • Ideal first toothbrush or alternative for babies and toddlers who chew their brush or won't let you brush their teeth with a traditional toothbrush
  • Give the brush-baby chewable toothbrush to your little one to chew on with a smear of brush-baby toothpaste at brushing time and then finish the job with a toothbrush, or use with sugar-free teething gel for extra teething relief for sore gums
  • Easy for little hands to hold, the chewable toothbrush cleans teeth, massages and soothes teething gums whilst your little one bites down on the bristles and chews
  • The soft silicone bristles and gum-shaped design perfectly fit little baby and toddler mouths to effectively reach front and back teeth
  • To clean, just rinse with water and leave to try. Dishwasher and steriliser safe up to 180. Made from the highest grade medical silicone, bpa-free and tested to eu standards. Product and packaging materials are recyclable.

Product Description:

Does your little one chew their brush? The Chewable Toothbrush is an ideal alternative to a traditional toothbrush or a baby finger brush. For teething babies and toddlers who are reluctant to let you brush, try giving them the Chewable with a smear of Brush-Baby toothpaste at brushing time. Then go in yourself with a small, soft brush like the Brush-Baby FirstBrush. Specially designed to clean teeth and massage and soothe teething gums whilst it is chewed, the gum-shaped design perfectly fits little mouths. Can be cooled in the fridge or used with Brush-Baby teething toothpaste to soothe sore teething gums. This product is suitable from 10 - 36 months. The handle is perfect for older babies and toddlers to hold, or can be attached to a dummy clip so that your little one is never without it. A lifesaver product for teething babies and toddlers, the Chewable Toothbrush is an ideal baby shower gift for expectant mums. Durable and hard-wearing, with no plastic bristles that can splay or fall out, the Chewable Toothbrush is made from the highest grade medical silicone, is BPA-free and has been tested to EU standards. 


Brand - Hello Bello

Type - Toothbrush

Age - 10 Months to 3 Years

Materials - Silicone and recyclable

Product Dimensions - L 2 x B 0.5 x H 8 cm

Items Included in the Package:

Pack of 2 Toothbrush

معرّف المنتج:34487ae785f31

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Brush-baby New Chewable Toothbrush - Pack of 2   ر.س 42  

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(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في السعودية والإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 ر.س فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

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